Essential Cruella De Vil Original Movie Quotes

  • Nurturing
  • Dalbo

"Cruella de Vil" is a fictional character who first appeared in Dodie Smith's 1956 novel The Hundred and One Dalmatians. She is a wealthy, fashionable, and eccentric woman who is obsessed with fur coats. In the novel, she attempts to buy 101 Dalmatian puppies from their owner, Roger Radcliffe, in order to make a fur coat. When Roger refuses, Cruella kidnaps the puppies and takes them to her mansion.

Cruella de Vil has been portrayed by several actresses in film and television adaptations of the novel. The most famous portrayal is by Betty Lou Gerson in the 1961 Disney animated film One Hundred and One Dalmatians. Gerson's performance is iconic and has helped to make Cruella de Vil one of the most recognizable villains in Disney history.

Cruella de Vil is a complex and fascinating character. She is both glamorous and terrifying, and her obsession with fur coats is both repulsive and understandable. She is a reminder that even the most beautiful people can be capable of great evil.

Cruella de Vil Quotes

Cruella de Vil is a complex and fascinating character. Her quotes are often witty, cruel, and memorable. Here are seven key aspects of Cruella de Vil's quotes:

  • Witty: Cruella de Vil is known for her sharp wit. Her quotes are often clever and amusing, even when they are cruel.
  • Cruel: Cruella de Vil is a ruthless villain. Her quotes often reflect her heartless nature.
  • Memorable: Cruella de Vil's quotes are some of the most memorable in Disney history. They are often quoted by fans of the films and the character.
  • Fashionable: Cruella de Vil is obsessed with fashion. Her quotes often reflect her love of clothes and accessories.
  • Evil: Cruella de Vil is a villain through and through. Her quotes often reveal her evil intentions.
  • Iconic: Cruella de Vil is one of the most iconic Disney villains. Her quotes are a big part of what makes her such a memorable character.
  • Relevant: Cruella de Vil's quotes are still relevant today. They offer a cautionary tale about the dangers of vanity and cruelty.

Cruella de Vil's quotes are a reflection of her personality. They are witty, cruel, memorable, fashionable, evil, iconic, and relevant. They offer a glimpse into the mind of one of Disney's most fascinating villains.


Cruella de Vil's wit is one of the things that makes her such a memorable character. Her quotes are often clever and amusing, even when they are cruel. This is a reflection of her personality. She is a complex character who is both glamorous and terrifying, and her wit is a way of coping with her inner demons.

Cruella de Vil's wit is also a way of disarming her victims. She uses her humor to put them at ease, making them more vulnerable to her attacks. This is a tactic that is often used by bullies and other predators. They use humor to make their victims feel comfortable, so that they can more easily take advantage of them.

However, it is important to remember that Cruella de Vil's wit is not always harmless. She often uses it to hurt and humiliate others. This is a reminder that even the most charming people can be capable of great cruelty.

In conclusion, Cruella de Vil's wit is a complex and fascinating aspect of her character. It is a reflection of her personality, her coping mechanisms, and her predatory nature. It is a reminder that even the most charming people can be capable of great cruelty.


Cruella de Vil is one of Disney's most iconic villains. She is a wealthy, fashionable, and eccentric woman who is obsessed with fur coats. In the novel and film adaptations of 101 Dalmatians, she attempts to buy 101 Dalmatian puppies from their owner, Roger Radcliffe, in order to make a fur coat. When Roger refuses, Cruella kidnaps the puppies and takes them to her mansion.

Cruella de Vil's cruelty is evident in her quotes. She often makes heartless and cruel remarks, both to her victims and to those who stand in her way. For example, when Roger Radcliffe refuses to sell her his Dalmatian puppies, she says, "Oh, I do love Dalmatians. I've always wanted a fur coat made of real Dalmatian fur. I'm going to have one, too, if I have to skin every Dalmatian in London."

Cruella de Vil's cruelty is not limited to her words. She is also physically cruel, as she is willing to harm or even kill anyone who gets in her way. For example, when her henchmen capture the Dalmatian puppies, she orders them to "skin them alive." Cruella de Vil's cruelty is a reminder that even the most beautiful people can be capable of great evil.


Cruella de Vil's quotes are memorable for several reasons. First, they are often witty and clever. For example, when Cruella first meets Roger Radcliffe, she says, "I do love Dalmatians. I've always wanted a fur coat made of real Dalmatian fur. I'm going to have one, too, if I have to skin every Dalmatian in London." This quote is both funny and cruel, and it perfectly captures Cruella's personality.

Second, Cruella's quotes are often quotable. They are short, snappy, and easy to remember. For example, when Cruella is angry, she often says, "Blast you, you fools!" This quote is simple, but it is also very effective. It conveys Cruella's anger and frustration perfectly.

Third, Cruella's quotes are often iconic. They have become part of popular culture, and they are often referenced in other works of art. For example, in the movie The Simpsons, Homer Simpson says, "I'm going to skin you alive and make you into a fur coat!" This quote is a clear reference to Cruella de Vil's famous line.Cruella de Vil's quotes are a reflection of her personality. They are witty, cruel, quotable, and iconic. They are a reminder that even the most beautiful people can be capable of great evil.


Cruella de Vil's obsession with fashion is evident in her quotes. She often makes remarks about her love of clothes and accessories, and she is always dressed in the latest fashion. For example, when Cruella first meets Roger Radcliffe, she says, "My dear boy, you have the most divine Dalmatians. I simply must have them for my new fur coat." This quote reveals Cruella's love of fur coats, and it also shows that she is willing to go to great lengths to get what she wants.

Cruella's obsession with fashion is also evident in her actions. She is willing to spend large sums of money on clothes and accessories, and she often hires designers to create custom-made pieces for her. Cruella's love of fashion is a reflection of her personality. She is a vain and materialistic woman who is obsessed with appearances. Her quotes about fashion reveal her shallow and superficial nature.

The connection between Cruella's obsession with fashion and her quotes is important because it provides insight into her character. Cruella's love of fashion is a reflection of her vanity and materialism. Her quotes about fashion reveal her shallow and superficial nature. By understanding the connection between Cruella's obsession with fashion and her quotes, we can better understand her character and her motivations.


Cruella de Vil is one of the most iconic villains in Disney history. Her cruelty, selfishness, and greed are evident in her quotes, which often reveal her evil intentions.

  • Delight in Cruelty: Cruella takes pleasure in causing pain and suffering to others. She is amused by the misfortune of others, and she often goes out of her way to make their lives miserable.
  • Lack of Empathy: Cruella is incapable of understanding or caring about the feelings of others. She sees people as objects that she can use to get what she wants.
  • Greed and Materialism: Cruella is obsessed with wealth and material possessions. She is willing to do anything to get what she wants, even if it means hurting others.
  • Manipulation and Deceit: Cruella is a master manipulator and deceiver. She uses her charm and intelligence to get people to do what she wants, even if it is against their will.

Cruella's evil intentions are evident in her quotes. For example, she says, "I want to skin those puppies and make myself a fur coat!" This quote reveals Cruella's cruelty and her lack of empathy for animals. She is willing to kill innocent creatures in order to satisfy her own vanity.

Cruella's quotes are a reminder that even the most beautiful people can be capable of great evil. Her cruelty, selfishness, and greed are a warning to us all to be wary of those who seem too good to be true.


Cruella de Vil's iconic status is due in no small part to her memorable quotes. Her sharp wit, cruel nature, and obsession with fashion are all reflected in her dialogue, which has become some of the most quotable in Disney history.

  • Wit: Cruella's quotes are often clever and amusing, even when they are cruel. This is a reflection of her personality. She is a complex character who is both glamorous and terrifying, and her wit is a way of coping with her inner demons.
  • Cruelty: Cruella's quotes often reflect her heartless nature. She is willing to say and do anything to get what she wants, even if it means hurting others. This is a reminder that even the most beautiful people can be capable of great evil.
  • Fashion: Cruella's obsession with fashion is evident in her quotes. She often makes remarks about her love of clothes and accessories, and she is always dressed in the latest fashion. This is a reflection of her vanity and materialism.
  • Memorability: Cruella's quotes are some of the most memorable in Disney history. They are often quoted by fans of the films and the character. This is a testament to her iconic status.

Cruella de Vil's quotes are a reflection of her personality. They are witty, cruel, fashionable, and memorable. They are a reminder that even the most beautiful people can be capable of great evil.


Cruella de Vil is a complex and fascinating character whose quotes offer a cautionary tale about the dangers of vanity and cruelty. Her quotes are still relevant today because they remind us of the importance of being kind and compassionate, and of not letting our desires for material possessions or social status corrupt our hearts.

  • Vanity: Cruella de Vil is obsessed with her appearance and believes that she is superior to others because of her wealth and beauty. Her quotes often reflect her vanity and her belief that she deserves to have whatever she wants, regardless of the cost to others.
  • Cruelty: Cruella de Vil is a ruthless and cruel person who has no regard for the feelings of others. She is willing to hurt or even kill others in order to get what she wants. Her quotes often reveal her cruelty and her lack of empathy for others.
  • Materialism: Cruella de Vil is obsessed with material possessions and believes that money and status are the most important things in life. Her quotes often reflect her materialism and her belief that she can buy happiness and love.
  • Cautionary tale: Cruella de Vil's quotes offer a cautionary tale about the dangers of vanity, cruelty, and materialism. They remind us of the importance of being kind and compassionate, and of not letting our desires for material possessions or social status corrupt our hearts.

Cruella de Vil's quotes are a reminder that even the most beautiful people can be capable of great evil. They are a cautionary tale about the dangers of vanity, cruelty, and materialism. We should all take heed of her words and strive to be better people.

Frequently Asked Questions about Cruella de Vil Quotes

Cruella de Vil is one of the most iconic Disney villains. Her sharp wit, cruel nature, and obsession with fashion are all reflected in her dialogue, which has become some of the most quotable in Disney history. Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Cruella de Vil quotes:

Question 1: What are some of Cruella de Vil's most famous quotes?

Cruella de Vil has many famous quotes, including:

  • "I live for fur. I worship fur."
  • "I'm going to skin those puppies and make myself a fur coat!"
  • "You fool! You absolute fool! You think I'd let you ruin my plans?"

Question 2: What do Cruella de Vil's quotes reveal about her personality?

Cruella de Vil's quotes reveal that she is a cruel, selfish, and materialistic person. She is obsessed with fur and fashion, and she is willing to do anything to get what she wants, even if it means hurting others.

Question 3: Why are Cruella de Vil's quotes so memorable?

Cruella de Vil's quotes are memorable because they are witty, cruel, and quotable. They perfectly capture her personality and her motivations.

Question 4: What is the significance of Cruella de Vil's quotes in the film 101 Dalmatians?

Cruella de Vil's quotes play a significant role in the film 101 Dalmatians. They help to establish her as one of the most iconic Disney villains, and they provide insight into her personality and motivations.

Question 5: How have Cruella de Vil's quotes been used in popular culture?

Cruella de Vil's quotes have been used in popular culture in many ways, including:

  • In films and television shows
  • In music and theater
  • In fashion and design

Question 6: What can we learn from Cruella de Vil's quotes?

Cruella de Vil's quotes can teach us about the dangers of vanity, cruelty, and materialism. They remind us that even the most beautiful people can be capable of great evil.

Cruella de Vil's quotes are a reminder that we should all strive to be kind and compassionate, and to not let our desires for material possessions or social status corrupt our hearts.

Moving on to the next section of the article...

Tips Inspired by "Cruella de Vil Quotes (Original)"

Cruella de Vil, the iconic Disney villain, is a complex and fascinating character. Her quotes offer a cautionary tale about the dangers of vanity, cruelty, and materialism. Here are a few tips inspired by her quotes:

Tip 1: Don't let vanity consume you. Cruella de Vil is obsessed with her appearance and believes that she is superior to others because of her wealth and beauty. This vanity leads her to make cruel and heartless decisions.

Tip 2: Be kind and compassionate. Cruella de Vil has no regard for the feelings of others. She is willing to hurt or even kill others in order to get what she wants. In contrast, we should strive to be kind and compassionate, and to treat others with respect.

Tip 3: Don't let materialism corrupt your heart. Cruella de Vil is obsessed with material possessions and believes that money and status are the most important things in life. This materialism leads her to make selfish and greedy decisions.

Tip 4: Be wary of those who seem too good to be true. Cruella de Vil is a master manipulator and deceiver. She uses her charm and intelligence to get people to do what she wants, even if it is against their will. We should be wary of those who seem too good to be true, and who try to manipulate us for their own gain.

Tip 5: Stand up to bullies. Cruella de Vil is a bully who enjoys making others feel small and insignificant. We should not tolerate bullies, and we should stand up to them whenever we see them mistreating others.

Summary: Cruella de Vil's quotes offer a cautionary tale about the dangers of vanity, cruelty, and materialism. By following these tips, we can avoid the pitfalls that she fell into, and we can strive to be better people.

Conclusion: Cruella de Vil is a complex and fascinating character, but her quotes offer valuable lessons that we can all learn from. By avoiding vanity, cruelty, and materialism, and by standing up to bullies, we can create a better world for ourselves and for others.


The exploration of "Cruella de Vil quotes original" has revealed a complex and fascinating character. Her quotes offer a cautionary tale about the dangers of vanity, cruelty, and materialism. By avoiding these pitfalls, we can strive to be better people and create a better world for ourselves and others.

Cruella de Vil's quotes are a reminder that even the most beautiful people can be capable of great evil. They are a cautionary tale about the importance of being kind and compassionate, and of not letting our desires for material possessions or social status corrupt our hearts. We should all take heed of her words and strive to be better people.

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The Best Disney Cruella Movie Quotes and Fun Facts

The Best Disney Cruella Movie Quotes and Fun Facts

Cruella DeVill in 2021 Cruella deville, Cruella, Dark disney

Cruella DeVill in 2021 Cruella deville, Cruella, Dark disney